
#1 Filter


Through this tab it is possible to filter the Delivery Notes by selecting them according to: the subcontractor to whom they are addressed, the delivery note date (From…To…), delivery note number and even the bill of material version.

Hereinafter the list of actions that can be performed through the RIBBON BAR: 

SearchButton to apply search filters within database of the inserted, controlled and not even recorded Delivery Notes.
UnloadIt refers to the procedure that performs the Delivery Note record and related the stock movements.

RESULT GRID: in the result grid it is possible to view the list of Delivery Notes that correspond to the filter data, above mentioned. After having specified values to obtain a Delivery Note search, the user, pushing the Search button in the related Ribbon, will obtain the list of the desired Delivery Notes in the result grid.

The columns, that can be viewed in the result grid, are the following:

  1. Account: through this column it is possible to view the subcontractor account of the Delivery Note
  2. Detail Account: through this column it is possible to view the subcontractor detail account of the Delivery Note
  3. Description: through this column it is possible to view the subcontractor company name of the Delivery Note
  4. DN No.: through this column it is possible to view the Delivery Note number
  5. Delivery Note Date: through this column it is possible to view the Delivery Note Date

At the bottom of the window there is a date field called “Stocks Record Date” set automatically on the current date. By editing this date the user can decide that the stock record has to be performed in a different date compared to the current date.

Once selected the Delivery Notes to be recorded it is possible to use the “Unload” button on the ribbon bar in order to perform stock movements: as regards this operations the application performs the stock unload of material pickup to be delivered to the subcontractor and the load of the same materials on subcontractor warehouse.

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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